The Breeze Brand

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5 breathing techniques you can try right now for anxiety relief

when the world around you is moving a mile a minute, sometimes you just need to hit pause. take a breath. find your happy place. wherever in the world that might be, breeze will help you get there.

save this article to look back on in times of stress and anxiety. figure out which exercise works best for you and follow the steps.

4-7-8 breathing

this breathing exercise allows your mind to slow down and helps reduce stress and anxiety especially before sleeping.

  1. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose to a mental count of four.

  2. Hold your breath for a count of seven.

  3. Exhale completely through your mouth making a “whooshing” sound (don’t be shy!) for a count of eight.

  4. Now repeat the cycle three more times.

box breathing

this exercise is good for regulating your natural rhythm especially in situations that may cause anger, stress, or anxiety.

  1. Inhale through your nose to a mental count of four.

  2. Hold for four seconds.

  3. Exhale through your nose for four seconds.

  4. Hold for four seconds.

  5. Repeat the box pattern.

visualization breathing

this is a powerful exercise for releasing negative energy & thoughts and cultivating positive ones.

  1. As you inhale through your nose for about a count of seven, visualize things you are grateful for, that fulfill you, provide you with a sense of happiness and stability, or are looking forward to.

  2. As you exhale through your mouth for about a count of seven, mentally release things that are causing you tension, heartache, stress, or anxiety.

  3. Repeat this as often as needed.

alternate nostril breathing

this exercise is useful if you need to direct your focus on something else. so, if you are having anxious thoughts or feeling a sense of panic, this breathing exercise may be one to try.

  1. Use your right thumb to close your right nostril.

  2. Inhale slowly through the left nostril while the right nostril remains covered.

  3. Pinch your nose closed with your thumb and ring finger, holding the breath for a moment.

  4. Keep your ring finger on your left nostril and release your thumb from your right nostril.

  5. Inhale slowly through the right nostril while the left nostril remains covered.

  6. Pinch your nose closed again and wait for a moment. Repeat this cycle of inhaling and exhaling through each nostril up to ten times.

breath focus

this exercise is great to add to your daily routine. the more you do it, the more effective it will be at relieving anxiety.

  1. Notice your breathing. Take 4-5 inhales and exhales without changing anything about your breathing pattern. Mentally scan your body and notice any tension and how it feels when you inhale and exhale normally.

  2. Now take a slowwww, deep breath in through your nose. Notice your belly and chest expand.

  3. Exhale however is comfortable. Maybe through your nose or mouth or with a sigh.

  4. Choose a word to focus on and vocalize during your exhale. This can be as simple as “relax” or “calm” and as complex as making up a mantra. Keep this word to yourself - it is your safe word that you can always go back to in times of stress.

  5. Inhale and exhale with focus on your word or mantra.

  6. When you get distracted, bring your focus back to your breathing and word/mantra.

  7. Continue this deep breathing and focus for several minutes (start with at least 5 minutes, but aim to get up to 20 minutes).

Have other techniques to cope with stress or anxiety? Let us know by shooting us a DM @thebreezebrand.