6 reasons we love our cbd vapes

So what’s all the buzz about? We wish we could write a love poem or song for our cbd vapes because that’s what they really deserve, but we don’t have any poets or musicians on our team (…yet…). So in good old fashioned list form, here’s why we love our cbd vapes:

1. Nicotine-free

Coming in at number one, our cbd vapes are nicotine-free. It’s 2021 - we all know about the harmful effects of nicotine and did we mention it’s highly addictive? We like to say, “if you were smoking on anything cleaner, it would be oxygen” about our vapes.

2. Quick and effective CBD absorption

When compared to ingesting CBD oil, vaping can offer advantages for many users. When heated and inhaled, CBD and other cannabis-derived compounds are quickly absorbed into the body and can more effectively enter the ECS.

3. Naturally flavored

Besides our vape flavors being the sh*t, they are also naturally flavored. No junk or additives are ever included in our formulations. We just want you to have the purest, tastiest CBD.

4. Sustainable and recyclable packaging

We <3 planet earth. Aside from offering the most bomb CBD out there, we make our products totally sustainable from recyclable materials. Wondering the best way to recycle your vape? Email us at hello@thebreezebrand.com so we can give you guidance.

5. 2 mg of cbd per puff

Puff, puff. People typically take about 10-20 mg of CBD per day, however, dosing is super depending on the effect your looking for, age, weight, and lots of other factors. Check out our cbd dosing guide if you’re looking for more information. Our CBD vapes contain about 150 6-second puffs that deliver 2 mg of cbd (per puff). This microdose allows you to experiment and figure out what dosing is optimal for your unique body.

6. lab tested for quality

Last, but certainly not least. We’re completely transparent about what is in our products. Each product formulation goes through rigorous third-party lab tests so you can be sure you’re getting the highest quality cbd. Our vapes are tested for potency, residual solvents, mold, & heavy metals. We don’t try to hide the results ever - you can view them right here, in the product descriptions, or scan the QR code on the packaging.

Okay, we’re done daydreaming about our cbd vapes. Don’t take our word for it, try them for yourself! Use discount code HEALTHISWEALTH for 20% off your order.

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